Focus on your area of residential marketing

FARMing isn’t just about digging up the next lead.  Its about growing relationships and sustaining an excellent business model for the long haul.  Successful FARMing depends on you.  Here at NuWay Title & Escrow, we understand the importance of growing sustainable relationships through consistent visibility, creating a top of mind approach. 

With our FARM tool, you’ll have instant access to Property Profile information, Instant O&Es, mailing lists, leads, marketing materials, and contact management.  You’ll receive instant updates every time a change is made in your chosen areas.

Our robust system searches and sweeps 24/7 for information that would create a perception of potential movement.  We call it Hot Movers.  It is a one-of-a-kind system that gleans pertinent points from certain social media platforms such as new baby, job changes, and many other factors.  This information feeds to the system and pings a property as someone who is potentially considering upsizing or downsizing.

Leads are often overworked and calling expired listings, and withdrawals gets old, not only for you but the recipient.  We have a fresh approach to creating a tailored search to fit your needs and create a plan with swept phone numbers, emails, and mailing addresses. 

Though most of the features are open to the public and free to the user, as a follower of RESPA guidelines, not everything in life is free.  We will guide you through the lead program, and assist you with a budget.  Our leads are very competitive and won’t break the bank!

Get started today by clicking on the link below, type in Rep Code NWT6188 and get started.  We will contact you to schedule a brief training session to assist with a robust plan on how to use every feature.